A Name Has Been Found
Thank you for all your suggestions for a name for our new software product (see my previous post). The ideas ranged from the historical (“Vaultaire” and “Alexandria”) to the mythical (“Cerberus” and “Griffin”), to the brand loyal (“Memozilla” and “MoMem”).
Which leads me to a clarification: I should have explained that we want to stay away from using any permutation of the word “Mozilla.” Even though Mozilla was our first subject using the new software, it will not be the only subject that the product will feature. The product is simply an online collecting tool for our line of Digital Memory Banks. (Nor do we want to violate Mozilla’s clearly stated trademark policy by abbreviating or combining “Mozilla” with any other word or words.)
That said, I think Christopher Finke’s suggestion of “Vault” plays well with our Digital Memory Bank brand. So, after some consideration, we have chosen “Memory Vault” to round out the brand compatibility. It truly captures the essence of the product as a place to store, organize, and protect digital data and metadata. Thank you Christopher!
I also want to take this opportunity to ask all of you to visit the Mozilla Digital Memory Bank and contribute any stories, anecdotes, or testimonials you have about your experiences with Mozilla products. We appreciate your input!
~ Jim Safley