We checked in a bunch of code to properly instantiate XPCOM
plugins in nsPluginHostImpl.cpp. We've cleaned up the sample code
in mozilla/modules/plugin/test so that it builds and correctly
instantiates with a corresponding sample page (resource:/res/samples/embed-test.html).
We've got a bunch of changes queued and ready to checkin as soon
as the tree opens. These changes include a sample of how to query
nsIPluginInstancePeer and nsIPluginTagInfo to obtain the parameters
from the <embed> tag. We've also got a bunch of changes
relating to binding the plugin to XPConnect.
Misc Status
Checked in minor modification to viewer so that HTML pages with
meta-tags describing charset encoding are displayed using the
appropriate charset converter.
- NECKO has landed,
please update to the tip and test this stuff.
- blizzard
is looking at build / runtime bustage on Linux two days in a
row. Working a glibc fix (in the dlopen() code) to address bug
- pavlov has
checked in a fix for tree scrolling.
- Start testing SeaMonekey mailnews: rename your 4.5 preferences.js
to prefs50.js, start apprunner, things should automagically migrate
over. (sspitzer)
From Akhil Arora:
Documentation for the Blackwood project has landed. The
Blackwood project aims to better integrate Java with Mozilla.
Introducing Pluglets: A first draft of the Java Pluglet API specification
has landed. Developers are requested to help define the API.
The Java DOM API will
be landing next week (8/6/99).
From Ed Burns:
Announcing: Source code availability of webclient and java-util
webclient: This project was started by Kirk Baker <kbaker@eb.com>
and Ian Wilkinson <iw@ennoble.com>
and was originally called RaptorCanvas. In the first quarter of
1999, the AOL/Netscape/Sun deal closed and a group at Sun started
the blackwood project, to better integrate Java and Mozilla. One
of the subprojects in blackwood was to provide a Java API to the
mozilla webshell, which Kirk and Ian had already done. Thus, Sun
has joined forces with Kirk and Ian to produce webclient.
java-util: This project was started by Sun in 1997 as
a part of Sun's Lighthouse Design Applications group's "Lighthouse
Foundation Classes (LFC)". The current contents of the java-util
package on mozilla.org are a minimal subset of the original LFC
and include such classes as Assert, ParameterCheck, Log, and Debug.
From George Drapeau:
There are also some new Mozilla modules with module owners for
Blackwood; these can be found on the Module
Owners page: The modules are:
- Java APIs for DOM (APIs for Java access to the Document Object
- Java APIs to WebShell
- Java Front End
- Java Stubs (OJI)
- Java to XPCOM Bridge
- Java Utility Classes (assert, debug, utilities, etc.)
- Java-Implemented Plugins (Infrastructure for writing MIME
content-handlers in Java.)
Our main job this week has been tracking down our usability
problems. What are the bugs that are stopping you from using the
editor on a day to day basis?
Our focus over the next few weeks will be on finding these important
usability problems and fixing them, so that we can all start using
the editor for everyday work and can therefore keep on top of
other, more minor missing features and usability bugs.
Our preliminary list is collected at http://www.mozilla.org/editor/dogfood.html.
We are filing bugs on these issues, so that they can be tracked
through the bug system (with the keyword [DOGFOOD] in the summary
line), and we'll be updating the dogfood page to show the corresponding
bug numbers soon.
We want your feedback if you have other issues you think should
be on this list -- please mail the editor newsgroup and tell us
about them! And try to use the editor -- it's getting close to
usable (I used it to produce dogfood.html and only had to make
slight changes in the resulting output).
Not much to report (as usual). Kipp's on vacation and I'm changing
tables to use the new reflow command handling
Previous Updates