Progress and Future of
Mozilla-the-application-suite Seth Spitzer
(with input from various active contributors)
Here is a brief summary of what progress has been made on
Mozilla-the-application-suite since Mozilla
1.0, what the active contributors plan on working on over the next
few months, and what might come after that.
What is planned for the next few
months (2/2003 - 6/2003)?
Many contributors plan on being in
bug fix mode, working on bugs that cover regressions, stability,
correctness, dataloss, performance, UI polishing,
accessibility and usability. If you are an active contributor and something you plan
on doing isn't covered here, let
me know.
profile backend code cleanup
additional changes for GRE support
Calendar to become part of the
application-suite during 1.4
Copy and Paste, Drag and Drop internally and externally,
internally means inside mozilla, externally means interoperation
between mozilla and other applications: staroffice, evolution, gedit,
nautilus, etc.
session awareness on linux&unix. make sure mozilla's session
status can be stored when shutdown and restored when startup.
More accessibility on linux phase II
features. phase II means better integration with AT apps and better
keyboard navigation capability.
OJI redesign. break happens when
mozilla or Javaplugin updates, it is becasue Javaplugin is calling
evolving XPCOM interface directly, OJI redesign will break the java
plugin's dependency on XPCOM.