Title: [no title]
Contributed by: [no contributor]
Added on: 5 June 2008
Type of Object: Text
Categories question 2


Answer to the question: How have Mozilla products and open source software changed the market?


It gives people alternatives and actually makes them think. Nice to see an option now on PCs instead of the ubiquitous and hideous blue E.

I think it's also impacted web design and standards by increasing the quality of browsers.




[Anonymous], Mozilla Digital Memory Bank, Object #7588, 5 June 2008, <http://mozillamemory.org/detailview.php?id=7588> (accesed 9 April 2021)

Dublin Core Metadata

Title: [no title]
Creator: [no creator]
Subject: [no subject]
Description: Answer to the question: How have Mozilla products and open source software changed the market?
Publisher: [no publisher]
Contributor: [no contributor]
Date: [no date]
Type: text
Format: [no format]
Identifier: [no identifier]
Source: Online Questionnaire Form, Mozilla Digital Memory Bank
Language: [no language]
Relation: [no relation]
Coverage: [no coverage]
Rights: [no rights]