Title: [no title]
Contributed by: [no contributor]
Added on: 5 June 2008
Type of Object: Text
Categories question 1


Answer to the question: How have Mozilla products impacted your life?


They've made it easier and more productive. Firefox extensions are a blessing.




[Anonymous], Mozilla Digital Memory Bank, Object #7587, 5 June 2008, <http://mozillamemory.org/detailview.php?id=7587> (accesed 9 April 2021)

Dublin Core Metadata

Title: [no title]
Creator: [no creator]
Subject: [no subject]
Description: Answer to the question: How have Mozilla products impacted your life?
Publisher: [no publisher]
Contributor: [no contributor]
Date: [no date]
Type: text
Format: [no format]
Identifier: [no identifier]
Source: Online Questionnaire Form, Mozilla Digital Memory Bank
Language: [no language]
Relation: [no relation]
Coverage: [no coverage]
Rights: [no rights]