Title: Eolas Announcement
Contributed by: [no contributor]
Added on: 25 May 2006
Type of Object: Text
Categories press release, webpage


Press release regarding the importance of web browser software, plug-in support, and the Eolas case.





Mozilla Digital Memory Bank, Object #461, 25 May 2006, <http://mozillamemory.org/detailview.php?id=461> (accesed 9 April 2021)

Dublin Core Metadata

Title: Eolas Announcement
Creator: Mitchell Baker
Subject: eolas, web
Description: Press release regarding the importance of web browser software, plug-in support, and the Eolas case.
Publisher: Mozilla Foundation
Contributor: [no contributor]
Date: 2003-10-06
Type: text
Format: html
Identifier: http://www.mozilla.org/news.html
Source: http://www.mozilla.org/news.html
Language: eng
Relation: [no relation]
Coverage: [no coverage]
Rights: See agreement between CHNM and Mozilla.