Title: Mozilla Foundation Rallies Supporters to Take Back The Web
Contributed by: [no contributor]
Added on: 24 May 2006
Type of Object: Text
Categories press release, webpage


Press release announcing the first on-site live gathering of open source Mozilla developers since the organization was established last July, Developer Day on Friday February 27, 2004 at the Mozilla Foundation's Mountain View, CA, headquarters.





Mozilla Digital Memory Bank, Object #434, 24 May 2006, <http://mozillamemory.org/detailview.php?id=434> (accesed 9 April 2021)

Dublin Core Metadata

Title: Mozilla Foundation Rallies Supporters to Take Back The Web
Creator: Sean Michael Kerner
Subject: community, develop
Description: Press release announcing the first on-site live gathering of open source Mozilla developers since the organization was established last July, Developer Day on Friday February 27, 2004 at the Mozilla Foundation's Mountain View, CA, headquarters.
Publisher: Mozilla Foundation
Contributor: [no contributor]
Date: 2004-02-26
Type: text
Format: html
Identifier: http://www.mozilla.org/press/mozilla-2004-02-26.html
Source: http://www.mozilla.org/press/mozilla-2004-02-26.html
Language: eng
Relation: [no relation]
Coverage: [no coverage]
Rights: See agreement between CHNM and Mozilla.