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Answer to the question: Why do you think Mozilla, particularly Firefox, has been able to attract a large number of users?

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Answer to the question: What do you see as the future of open source software and Mozilla?

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Do You <3 Firefox?

Do You <3 Firefox?

A promotional video for the Mozilla Digital Memory Bank created at CHNM using interviews with George Mason Students. Music courtesy of Narciso Lobo.

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Text Interview: Robert O'Callahan

Text Interview: Robert O'Callahan

Email interview with Robert O'Callahan.

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Video Interview: Shane Isbister

Video Interview: Shane Isbister

Video interview of a student at George Mason University's Johnson Center.

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Video Interview: Roxie Alsrube

Video Interview: Roxie Alsrube

Video interview of a student at George Mason University's Johnson Center.

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Video Interview: Robert Mitchell

Video Interview: Robert Mitchell

Video interview of a student at George Mason University's Johnson Center.

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Video Interview: Oheneha Boateng

Video Interview: Oheneha Boateng

Video interview of a student at George Mason University's Johnson Center.

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Video Interview: Michael Vitale

Video Interview: Michael Vitale

Video interview of a student at George Mason University's Johnson Center.

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